Seminar Description
Many voices in North America are calling for Christianity to change its core principles and convictions in favor of our culture’s unstable views of authority, pluralism, gender, and morality. Christians often have been assailed by the surrounding culture for obeying the radical call to follow Jesus and his teachings. But, this new challenge is different because it comes from voices within churches once known for staunch loyalty to Biblical faith.
Dr. David Young, Minister, Scholar, Author, and Disciple-Maker, knows these voices well and is concerned that many well-meaning Christians and churches may be unsuspectingly swept into this misguided and dangerous approach to Christianity. The answer is to embrace wholeheartedly the rock-solid core of the historic and Biblical faith, regardless of what our culture says, and faithfully hold up Jesus as the only way and discipleship as the main thing.
Dr. Young’s presentations will clarify the current threat to Biblical faith, discuss the importance of Biblical authority, expound on the centrality of the cross and Jesus as the only savior of the lost world, and address the way biblical faith impacts the hot topics of gender and gender identity.
Seminar Schedule (February 8, 2020)
Session One: (1-2pm) The threat of Theological Progressivism
Session Two: (2:15-3pm) Authority: The Autonomous Self or Holy Scripture?
Session Three: (3:15-4pm) Jesus Christ: Savior of the World or Social Activist?
Session Four: (4:15-5pm) The Christian life: Accommodation or Obedience?
Keizer Church of Christ, 5405 Ridge Drive NE, Keizer, Oregon 97303
Due to a generous Church Enrichment grant from the Northwest Endowment Fund and the hospitality of the Keizer Church of Christ, there is NO COST to attendees of the CITE seminars.
More about Our Speaker: Dr. David Young
David Young grew up in Tennessee, where he began preaching at the age of 16. He currently serves as the senior minister for the North Boulevard Church of Christ in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He has worked for churches in Missouri, Kansas, and Tennessee, taught New Testament at several colleges, and traveled widely teaching and preaching. He is the host of the New Day Television Program, a board member for the Renew Network, and author of several books, including A New Day (NB Press), The Rhetoric of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark, (Fortress Press, co-authored with Michael Strickland), and A Grand Illusion (Renew Publications). He holds the B.A. from Freed-Hardeman University, the M.A. from Harding School of Theology, and the M.A. and Ph.D. in New Testament from Vanderbilt University. David and his wife Julie have two adult children with amazing spouses.

Recent Books. Two recent books by Dr. Young are especially important to our seminar.
New Day: Restoring the Revolutionary Mission of Christ’s Church (2016), is an inspiring and thoughtful analysis of what has led to decline in churches in America. Most importantly, Dr. Young provides a vision for how to reverse trends of decline by restoring the awesome vision of Christianity represented in the New Testament.

A Grand Illusion: How Progressive Christianity Undermines Biblical Faith (Renew, 2019) is most directly related to this year’s CITE seminar. In it he details the threat of Theological Progressivism to North American churches and exhorts readers to hold firmly to the authentic, biblical, and historic Christian faith. There is no future for progressive Christianity but there is a bright tomorrow for churches who maintain a vibrant, grace-fueled, and obedient faith that seeks to fulfill the great commission in our day and time.