The topic for this L3 seminar is “Sovereign Grace and Human Free Will”. The doctrine of grace is at the heart of the Christian faith and all Christians acknowledge that salvation is by the Grace of God. However, the history of Christian theology demonstrates that many thinkers have come to differing interpretations of particular aspects of Grace. Issues such as original sin, free will, predestination, election, and God’s providence are all bound up in our understanding of God’s Sovereignty and his Grace. Our featured speaker, Dr. Keith Stanglin, is a theologian who specializes in this aspect of Christian Theology and during this seminar he will help us understand better this awesome doctrine so we can apply it to our lives and ministries.
Our Speaker
Keith Stanglin is associate Professor of Scripture and Theology at Austin Graduate School of Theology in Austin, Texas. Keith holds degrees from Oklahoma Christian University (B.A.), Harding School of Theology (M.Div.), and Calvin Theological Seminary (Ph.D.). He has a keen interest in the life and writings of the sixteenth-century theologian, Jacob Arminius (the prominent opponent of Calvinism), and he is quickly becoming one of the foremost authorities on Arminius today. Keith is the author & editor of seven books and many scholarly articles in the field of historical theology, church history, and biblical interpretation. In addition to being the coordinator of the Master of Arts in Theological Studies he is also the editor of the journal Christian Studies, a publication of the faculty of Austin Graduate School of Theology. Keith is a dedicated father of three, faithful husband, and committed church member.
Schedule (February 11, 2017)
Session One (1-2pm): The History of Grace
This session is an overview of the debate in church history over grace, free will, predestination, and election that occurred between Augustine and Pelagius and then later among the Protestant Reformers.
Session Two (2:15-3:15pm): What’s Wrong (& Right) with Calvinism?
In this session Dr. Stanglin will offer a friendly critique of Calvinism while also highlighting aspects of it that are good for non-Calvinists to keep in mind.
Session Three (3:30-4:30pm): The Restoration Movement and Grace
In this session Dr. Stanglin will survey where the Restoration Movement has been on the doctrine of grace and what areas need attention.
Session Four (4:45-5:45pm): Grace and the Christian Life
This presentation will cover the practical implications that the doctrine of grace has on the everyday Christian life.
5405 Ridge Drive NE
Keizer, Oregon 97303