- Time: Mondays, 5:30-8:30pm (Sept 26 – Nov 28))
- Syllabus: Great Cloud of Witnesses.SyllabusFall2016
- Instructor: Dr. Darren Williamson(Preaching Minister, Keizer Church of Christ)
- Contact: (503) 393-5424; dwilliamson.or@gmail.com
- Cost: For credit: $30; Audit: $30.
Class Location. Keizer Church of Christ, 5405 Ridge Drive NE, Keizer, Oregon 97303.
Registration: 1) Fill out registration form at http://www.cite-osucc.com/registration/college-students/ 2) Email Darren Williamson directly to reserve a spot in the class. 3) Bring payment and registration form to the first night of class. 3) Textbooks will be available for purchase on the first night of class.
** CITE classes are open to qualified High School Juniors and Seniors. See website for more information on concurrent enrollment.