TIME: Tuesday nights, 7-9pm
Location: Southwest Church of Christ, 9725 SW Durham Rd, Tigard, OR 97224
Phone: 503-620-0221.
Instructor: Dr. Shawn Jones
Class Format: The first part of each class period will normally involve an interactive lecture over the essential features of the particular religion being studied for the evening. Much of the class will involve dialogue over the assigned readings from the course textbook. Participants are strongly encouraged to purchase their own copy of the textbook (see below)
Class Description: This CITE L3 class introduces participants to the major religions of the world and how the light of Christ helps shape our understanding of them. This class is designed to better equip followers of Jesus to disciple others, especially those who come from a variety of religions from around the world and many of whom are now our neighbors. As we learn about these religious beliefs, we will also be reminded of the distinctiveness found in following Jesus and His teaching. The class is perfect for those engaging in short-term mission work to various parts of the world and who are looking to better understand and evangelize their neighbors from the world religions.
Course Fee: $30 (make Checks payable to the Keizer Church of Christ, with CITE noted in the memo; you can bring payment to the first night of the class. You can also pay online by going to the main CITE homepage and clicking on “Give to CITE or Pay Course Fee”.
Course Textbook: Significant Others: Understanding our Non-Christian Neighbors by Monte Cox (Leafwood Publishers, 2017).
Book Fee: $10. It is strongly recommended that you purchase the book and try to read the chapter each week. When you register, please indicate whether you want a book and it will be purchased for you and available on the first night of class.
Registration Process: This CITE L3 class is open to anyone who wants to learn and grow in his or her faith. It is not offered for college credit but is taught at a college level, with a teacher with strong academic credentials. If you want to participate in the class, please click on the registration link below.