Forgotten Friends: The Life and Thought of the Church Fathers
DATE: September 24 – December 3, 2018
TIME: Monday nights, 6-9pm
Location: Keizer Church of Christ (5405 Ridge Drive NE, Keizer, Oregon). The class meets in the Fellowship Rooms across from the main building.
Instructor: Dr. Darren Williamson
Class Format: The first part of each class period will normally involve an interactive lecture over the essential features of the particular individual being studied for the evening. After a break (including snacks), we will then discuss the major theological themes raised by the Church Fathers and ask questions about application and relevance for today.
Class Description: This CITE L3 class introduces participants to the major writers and thinkers of the early Christian Church, collectively known as the Church Fathers. The class is for anyone who wants to broaden their understanding of Christian thought and history. Each week the class will study the life of a different person, utilizing a book by Bryan M. Liftin entitled Getting to Know the Church Fathers: An Evangelical Introduction (2nd ed; 2016).
The Church Fathers dealt with many universal themes and consequently can serve as helpful guides for us. The class will discuss many of those themes and questions that faced the early church and that we still encounter today. Some examples include questions like… How should we deal with false teaching (heresy)? How do we minister to those who fall away? How do we defend the faith against critics? How should the Church relate to government? How do we correctly read and apply the scriptures? How do we distinguish between doctrine and opinion? How do we maintain unity while acknowledging our diversity? And many more.
We will also ask some fundamental questions about how evangelical Christians should view the Church Fathers, especially since many of their beliefs and practices may strike us as unbiblical or extreme. The tone of the class one of “critical appreciation” and learning.
Course Fee: $30 (make Checks payable to the Keizer Church of Christ, with CITE noted in the memo; you can bring payment to the first night of the class.
Book Fee: $20. It is strongly recommended that you purchase the book and try to read the chapter each week (approximately 20 pages). When you register, please indicate whether you want a book and it will be purchased for you. You can pick up your book at the first night of class or earlier, if you contact Darren Williamson.