e realize that just about every issue we face, whether biblical or theological or congregational, has been dealt with before. We can take comfort from Christian history when we realize that God truly has been faithful to his people and seen the Church through times m
ore difficult than our own. Finally, learning from Christian history can help us avoid the pitfalls and failures of the past, as we realize that faithfulness to Christ has not always characterized our past. Besides all these lofty reasons for studying Christian History, we don’t want to forget that it is just lots of fun! Please consider joining us for this class. Details below:
Time: Mondays, 5:30-8:30pm.
Location: Southwest Church of Christ (9725 SW Durham Rd, Tigard, OR 97224)
Instructor: Dr. Darren Williamson (Preaching Minister, Keizer Church of Christ)
Cost: For credit: $30; Audit: $50.